Naples Classical Academy is a tuition-free public charter school, in the Classical Liberal Arts Tradition. Our hope is to recover this traditional way of education, which is 2,500 years old, dating back to Plato’s Republic.
We believe that the recovery this tradition, will bring about a renewal of education, human nature, the family and subsequently, the culture. The aim of a classical education is human excellence. Any pursuit of excellence requires order, and human excellence requires a well ordered soul. One that is able to distinguish the best ideas and things from those which are inferior and in turn prefer those great things.
The word we use for the acquisition of this excellence is virtue, from the Greek word, arete, meaning excellence or sometimes virtue. One of the first principles of our human nature is the love of knowledge, a desire to know true things. The fulfillment of this desire is the cause of our human happiness. This is the job of the teacher, and the fundamental mission of Naples Classical Academy.
We lead our students to human flourishing and happiness, through an immersion in the great books, like the Iliad and the Odyssey, and the Aneid. Most importantly, we lead them by our witness. Employees of NCA whether in the classroom or the HR Department, must be seekers and lovers of human excellence. As James Madison once said:
“To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical [imaginary] idea.”